How to create resilience in the face of adversity

Why do some traumatic experiences remain unprocessed? Post-traumatic growth specialist Sinta Ebersohn discusses the two components of trauma, the top 5 stressors, resilience as a set of skills and a growth process that can help us deal with whatever life throws at us.

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When your loved one has dementia: insights and advice

Having a loved one diagnosed with dementia causes great distress. Social worker Welma Geldenhuys from ADASA discusses the symptoms of this progressive, incurable illness, its causes and 7 stages, and whether dementia is a normal part of ageing. She offers guidelines for communicating with individuals with dementia, creating a safe environment, and caring for the carer.

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Meet your gut: key to your health and happiness

Living a productive and relatively stress-free life has more to do with a healthy gut than we may realise. Naturopath and wellness coach Dr Francois du Toit discusses the microbiome, probiotics, the biology behind a “gut feeling” and how gut health affects brain function, mental health & sleep. He offers advice on factors crucial to healing and tips on how to best support your gut.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Detoxification, the Functional Medicine way

Detoxing successfully and sustainably improves over-all long-term health, yet what works for you is as unique as your fingerprint. Functional medicine health coach Marielle Wolmarans discusses the detox process, its phases, and its connection to gene testing, weight loss, trauma and autoimmune disease. Find out how - and why - to support your detox pathways through sensible daily habits. Sponsored content.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Lyno in sport: solving recurring injuries and optimising performance

To participate in sport injury-free and at your best, your body must move naturally, without protective bracing patterns. Physiotherapist Benita Kropman explains how the Lyno® Method detects fascia restrictions causing chronic pain or injuries, and why dedicated bilateral sportsmen should avoid unilateral sports. She discusses treadmill versus outside running, stretching, and choosing optimal training shoes.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Ben Gioia: facing death, personal evolution, and writing bestsellers fast

How can writing a book be a game changer in your entrepreneurial journey? Best-selling author and book coach Ben Gioia shares arresting experiences from his life and the lessons he’s learnt: how to write a high-quality book fast, how to leverage it even before it’s published, achieving influence with integrity, and implementing the single thing that helps an entrepreneur navigate curve balls.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Die glans van mode en skoonheid - en gewone vreugdes

Wanneer is ‘n vrou mooi? Kan elkeen van ons stylvol leef? Entrepreneur Suzanne Kotze gesels oor die geboorte van ná die sluiting van die vrouetydskrif waar sy as skoonheidsredakteur gewerk het, die geheim van ‘n goeie vennootskap, en hoe sy die glanswêreld met ma-wees en ‘n bedrywige skedule versoen.

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How to share your heart – and history - with those you love

What’s the difference between an inheritance and a legacy? Dr Melodie de Jager explores fostering our connection with those we cherish while we’re very much alive, since we actively grow our legacy every day. She invites Mariette to talk about her “Gift podcasts” - a way to honour loved ones, strengthen relationships, and create an extraordinary keepsake.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Triple Transformation Therapy: healing emotionally, physically and energetically 

Suppressed emotions can cause energy blockages, translating into physical and emotional symptoms. Energy therapist and psychologist Mona-Lize Moolman explains how she helps clients find and resolve the root cause of health challenges by combining talk therapy with holistic modalities. Results include weight loss and clearing skin conditions, anxiety, depression and unexplained pain.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

How to assert yourself in a healthy way

Can you stand up for yourself, or do you give in too easily? Emotional Intelligence specialist Dr Ronél le Roux explains how to set healthy boundaries in your personal and work life through self-reflection and clear, confident communication. Discover easy guidelines for effective self-assertiveness, remaining true to your own interests and values while respecting others.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Healing unexplained pain and chronic conditions

Are you a highly sensitive individual grappling with ‘mystery’ pain? Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik explains how she combines energy healing modalities with yoga and Pilates to balance clients’ 4 subtle energy bodies. Having learnt to process her own trauma, Tami now lives free from pain and empowers others to understand and manage physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges.

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Romantic relationships: What women – and men – deeply yearn for  

Relationship coach Bryan Reeves shares his personal journey from a series of failed relationships to a profound understanding of love and intimacy. Offering insights from his best-selling relationship guide, he discusses the challenges regarding freedom and connection, the sexiest 3 words a man can say to a woman, and the sexiest 3 words a woman can say to a man.

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Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

Highly educated career women: why finding a partner may be difficult

Many high-powered women yearn for marriage, but find men spurning them because of their professional status or dedication to their careers. Sociologist Dr. Sandy To discusses her research on China’s “leftover women,” the gender constraints they face, and 4 different partner choice strategies they employ.

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Love & intimacy, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Love & intimacy, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

How to navigate the natural stages of your love relationship

No need to panic when your intimate relationship moves out of the fuzzy infatuation stage and unnerving differences set in. Counselling psychologist Dr Ingrid Artus explains how identifying and successfully moving through love’s 5 stages can carry a couple to lasting love. She discusses developing a growth mindset, 4 attachment styles, and causes of conflict.

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Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Julian Jansen: elke seun kort ‘n vaderfiguur

Joernalis Julian Jansen, die skrywer van ‘Seuns sonder pa’s’, beantwoord vrae oor seuns wat sonder pa’s grootword. Selfs volwasse mans het die diep behoefte aan ‘n manlike teenwoordigheid wat respek afdwing en liefde, geborgenheid en leiding kan verskaf. Julian belig die positiewe rol van mentors en “riskant leef”, en gee praktiese wenke vir enkelma’s en mans wat voel hul pa het hulle in die steek gelaat.

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Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

Navigating prostate cancer: what I’ve learnt

Prostate cancer is one of the most daunting challenges a man can face. Elred Lawrence candidly shares his experience of the diagnosis, decision-making process, eventual prostatectomy, and living an adventurous and joyous life ever since. He highlights facing serious concerns like possible erectile dysfunction and incontinence, the importance of garnering emotional support, and finding the courage to deal with an illness jeopardising “what makes one a man”.

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