Hi from Mariette
Hello! I’m so pleased that you are here.
I was born curious. Perhaps you were too! Few things fascinate me more than the way we make sense of what happens to us – each in our very own way. Working as a journalist has given me the chance to talk to all kinds of people about life, particularly about overcoming seemingly unsurmountable obstacles. I’ve been at it for 30 years and still have more questions than answers.
Deep down, I believe that life is supposed to be good. Of course, often it’s not. I’ve experienced the good and the bad: relishing the joys of childhood, encountering the challenges facing any teenager, losing and grieving loved ones, getting married, riding the rollercoaster of parenthood, coming to terms with divorce, being tenderly cared for by friends and family, marvelling at my children navigating adulthood, losing my job, finding love. Through it all, I kept trying to figure out what could be done to experience less pain and more joy.
I’ve been really fortunate to encounter psychologists, mind-body practitioners, life coaches and other experts who could nudge me closer to my happy self, my surroundings and those around me. In countless ways they helped me heal. For this, I am more grateful than I can say.
My podcast series Calm, clear & helpful (airing each Tuesday at 9.00) and the articles created for this site provide me with the exciting opportunity of doing what I love: speaking to a knowledgeable person on a relevant topic and sharing what I’ve learnt with those who’d also like to learn more.
If you’re wondering how this platform came about, the story is right here: It began with a spider in my hair.
May you find this offering relevant and helpful. And may you have an increased sense of coming home to yourself.
With my very best wishes,
PS: If you are an expert interested in co-creating content for this website or the weekly podcast series Calm, clear & helpful, you will find more info here.
For a behind-the-scenes peek at my podcast show and how it came about, you can listen to this interview with Chris McDonald, host of The Holistic Counseling Podcast series.