Detoxification, the Functional Medicine way

Detoxing successfully and sustainably improves over-all long-term health, yet what works for you is as unique as your fingerprint. Functional medicine health coach Marielle Wolmarans discusses the detox process, its phases, and its connection to gene testing, weight loss, trauma and autoimmune disease. Find out how - and why - to support your detox pathways through sensible daily habits. Sponsored content.

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In ep. 179 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Marielle Wolmarans -functional medicine health coach, Nutrigenomics Practitioner & NLP life coach - touches on

  • what functional medicine involves

  • Nutrigenomics: the interaction of nutrition and genes

  • common misconceptions regarding de

  • what detoxification entails

  • the 3 key phases of detoxification: 1 Oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis 2 Conjugation 3 Excretion

  • a 4th phase of detoxification: Gut detoxification

  • how to know when it’s time to detox

  • why we need to detox: in the last century alone, 80 000 chemicals have been introduced into our environment

  • what we need to detox effectively, and why gene and functional testing can offer more precise answers

  • daily habits that can help support our detox pathways

  • specific foods that can help us detox sustainably: what to include and what to avoid

  • the importance of hydration, regular exercise, restorative sleep, and stress management

  • whether weight gain is linked to poor detox pathways

  • ways in which Marielle can help clients detox: addressing nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and stress problems

  • the role of Biofeedback, Rife Therapy, Ozone Therapy, EFT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Somatic Breathing

  • the connection between trauma and physiological responses, and the link with autoimmune conditions

  • the role of genetic testing

  • Marielle’s 3 tips for living a good life.  

  • Scroll down to About for more info on Marielle, including her contact details.


Here Marielle writes about her family, working in the UK, and being bitten by the ‘holistic health bug.’

The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Player FM and – I hope you’ll subscribe

About Marielle

Marielle Wolmarans is a functional medicine health coach who earned her certification from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA) USA, which is affiliated with the Institute of Functional Medicine. She is currently a member of the Functional Medicine Health Coaches Association of South Africa (FMHCA) and also a registered Nutrigenomics practitioner with DNAlysis Biotechnology. Marielle is a NLP coach as well as a qualified Radiographer (NDip Rad), TUT. She is based in Pretoria East and works in person and online.

Marielle has worked in health care in South Africa and the United Kingdom, and has a Natural Skincare Business, Bee-utiful Botanicals.


Tel. +27618505676

Facebook: Bee-utiful Botanicals; also Marielle Wolmarans Functional Medicine Health Coach

LinkedIn: Marielle Wolmarans

Instagram: beeutifulhealth_marielle

 TikTok: beeutifulbotanicals

Original music by Mart-Marie Snyman

Thumbnail image: Unsplash

Photograph of Marielle Wolmarans: supplied


Meet your gut: key to your health and happiness


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