Emotional health, Love & intimacy, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Love & intimacy, Parenting Mariette Snyman

Marina Wildt: how women experience ADHD differently from men

Did you know that ADHD in women is often overlooked because their symptoms present as overachievement, disorganisation or emotional sensitivity rather than the hyperactivity commonly linked with ADHD?  Wellness coach Marina Wildt cites recent research findings, explaining how women - unlike men - internalise ADHD symptoms, frequently leading to perfectionism, anxiety and burnout. She includes practical advice for female as well as male ADHD-ers.

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Julian Jansen: ‘n bietjie 60 wees, innige liefde en aftree of nie

Joernalis Julian Jansen praat openhartig oor die lewe ná 60 – ‘n ander werksritme, ‘n nuwe benadering teenoor toksiese mense en Cecelia Jacobs, die “nommerpas vrou.” Hy gesels oor sy 3 grootste persoonlike traumas, hoe om ‘n konstruk van lewensuitdagings in groei en persoonlike geluk te omskep, en die wens om jou kinders in jou hande te hou.

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Dr Julia Kukard: finding joy and fluidity in stuckness

Is being stuck a hellhole of despair or a friend enabling our growth? Psychotherapist and coach Dr Julia Kukard explains why stuckness indicates a disconnect between our inner and outer world, 3 losses we suffer and can recover, and the 5 stages of the stuckness cycle. Citing memorable case studies, she invites us to get stuck often - and develop the skills to recover quickly. Sponsored content.

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Living softly - Leef sagter

If the point of my platform is to offer relief to visitors experiencing challenges like anxiety, grief, relationship concerns, health issues or exhaustion, I should take some of my own medicine, right? Time I took a break! You’re invited to keep my platform company while I opt out of work routines till January the 7th.

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Create your very own podcast episode with Mariette

How about gifting someone close to your heart with an audio recording containing special memories, stories, insights, advice, good wishes or your sincere love and appreciation, packaged as a gift that keeps on giving? You can listen to an example by scrolling down.

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How to create resilience in the face of adversity

Why do some traumatic experiences remain unprocessed? Post-traumatic growth specialist Sinta Ebersohn discusses the two components of trauma, the top 5 stressors, resilience as a set of skills and a growth process that can help us deal with whatever life throws at us.

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When your loved one has dementia: insights and advice

Having a loved one diagnosed with dementia causes great distress. Social worker Welma Geldenhuys from ADASA discusses the symptoms of this progressive, incurable illness, its causes and 7 stages, and whether dementia is a normal part of ageing. She offers guidelines for communicating with individuals with dementia, creating a safe environment, and caring for the carer.

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How to share your heart – and history - with those you love

What’s the difference between an inheritance and a legacy? Dr Melodie de Jager explores fostering our connection with those we cherish while we’re very much alive, since we actively grow our legacy every day. She invites Mariette to talk about her “Gift podcasts” - a way to honour loved ones, strengthen relationships, and create an extraordinary keepsake.

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Romantic relationships: What women – and men – deeply yearn for  

Relationship coach Bryan Reeves shares his personal journey from a series of failed relationships to a profound understanding of love and intimacy. Offering insights from his best-selling relationship guide, he discusses the challenges regarding freedom and connection, the sexiest 3 words a man can say to a woman, and the sexiest 3 words a woman can say to a man.

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Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

Highly educated career women: why finding a partner may be difficult

Many high-powered women yearn for marriage, but find men spurning them because of their professional status or dedication to their careers. Sociologist Dr. Sandy To discusses her research on China’s “leftover women,” the gender constraints they face, and 4 different partner choice strategies they employ.

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Love & intimacy, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Love & intimacy, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

How to navigate the natural stages of your love relationship

No need to panic when your intimate relationship moves out of the fuzzy infatuation stage and unnerving differences set in. Counselling psychologist Dr Ingrid Artus explains how identifying and successfully moving through love’s 5 stages can carry a couple to lasting love. She discusses developing a growth mindset, 4 attachment styles, and causes of conflict.

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Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

Navigating prostate cancer: what I’ve learnt

Prostate cancer is one of the most daunting challenges a man can face. Elred Lawrence candidly shares his experience of the diagnosis, decision-making process, eventual prostatectomy, and living an adventurous and joyous life ever since. He highlights facing serious concerns like possible erectile dysfunction and incontinence, the importance of garnering emotional support, and finding the courage to deal with an illness jeopardising “what makes one a man”.

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Emotional health, Parenting, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

Can your sensory profile affect your mental health?

Does hyper- or hyposensitivity cause you to feel overwhelmed or under-stimulated in environments others may find normal? Psychologist Luricka Fick considers whether mental health difficulties, including depression, anxiety and risk-taking behaviour, may point to sensory integration issues. She discusses the role dopamine plays in over- and under-responsiveness, and the benefits of a sensory integration assessment.

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Strengthening self-love: understand your sensory preferences

Is your natural inclination visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic? How can you apply this knowledge to deepen your connection with others – and, most importantly, with yourself? Human development specialist Dr Melodie de Jager explores our sensory systems and preferences, offering practical tips on increasing our awareness, enhancing self-care, and even choosing spot-on gifts.   

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Love & intimacy, Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Love & intimacy, Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

Seksuele identiteit: ‘n keuse, of meer kompleks en divers?

Kies mense hul seksuele oriëntasie? Watter 4 fasette behels seksuele identiteit? Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg belig wetenskaplike navorsing wat epigenetika insluit, seksuele vloeibaarheid en die uitsluiting van gay, transgender, interseks en ander mense - onder meer in ‘n geloofskonteks.

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