Living softly - Leef sagter

If the point of my platform is to offer relief to visitors experiencing challenges like anxiety, grief, relationship concerns, health issues or exhaustion, I should take some of my own medicine, right? Time I took a break! You’re invited to keep my platform company while I opt out of work routines till January the 7th.


Rol gerus af vir die teks in Afrikaans.

Living softly means noticing when you’ve lost your spark, physically or emotionally, and finding a way to make things better. Sometimes, this simply involves allowing yourself some unstructured time. It may, however, be necessary to find clarity on an issue that’s bugging you and then take a step in the right direction.

This website offers you free podcast episodes and articles on

The content has been co-created with (so far) 120 wellness professionals from over the world. Feel free to browse, or use the Search function!

If getting to know more about the person behind the professional intrigues you, do visit the Up Close & Personal section.

For fun, why don’t you Learn what your wrinkles are saying about you?

Or read Inside information: the way men view relationships - do you in fact agree?

Thank you for spending time on this site - I appreciate having you here!

In my hartstaal

Om sagter te leef, beteken om raak te sien wanneer jy jou vonk verloor het, fisies of emosioneel, en ‘n plan te maak. Soms behels dit bloot dat jy jouself ongestruktureerde tyd gun. Ander kere is dit nodig om duidelikheid te kry oor ‘n kwessie wat jou pla en ‘n tree in die regte rigting te gee.

My webtuiste bied gratis artikels en potgooie, in Engels en Afrikaans, in 4 afdelings:

Elke artikel of potgooi stel jou bekend aan ‘n terapeut, afrigter of ander kundige; tot dusver het sowat 120 kenners van dwarsoor die wêreld ‘n bydrae gelewer. Blaai gerus deur die afdelings of gebruik die Soek-funksie.

Indien jy graag meer van die mens agter die kenner wil weet kan jy by die Up Close & Personal afdeling inloer.

As liefdesverhoudings jou interesseer, kan jy die gewilde Wat jy van mans moet weet lees - dalk verskil jou opinie!

‘n Ander gewilde artikel is Learn what your wrinkles are saying about you.

Baie dankie dat jy tyd op hierdie platform deurbring - ek waardeer dit opreg!

Season’s greetings - Met die allermooiste wense vir die feestyd

Hooffoto: Unsplash


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