Lyno in sport: solving recurring injuries and optimising performance

To participate in sport injury-free and at your best, your body must move naturally, without protective bracing patterns. Physiotherapist Benita Kropman explains how the Lyno® Method detects fascia restrictions  causing chronic pain or injuries, and why dedicated bilateral sportsmen should avoid unilateral sports. She discusses treadmill versus outside running, stretching, and choosing optimal training shoes.


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In ep. 178 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Benita Kropman - physiotherapist and founder & director of the Lyno® Method – considers

  • the essence of the Lyno® Method

  • ascertaining where in the body the cause of chronic pain or a recurring injury is ‘hidden’

  • why the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta were a turning point

  • the possible connection between an injured body part and another part where movement is restricted

  • 2 types of sports injuries: acute and chronic

  • 2 categories of acute injuries: impact and spontaneous

  • why chronic injuries are so difficult to solve

  • the typical healing period for musculoskeletal injuries

  • a Lyno success story involving cricket player Charl Langeveldt and a spiral pattern

  • a story involving an elite athlete from the UK and a collection of inner soles

  • protective bracing patterns which lead to compensation patterns

  • why combining a unilateral sport and a bilateral sport can lead to injuries

  • insights into stretching and muscles that show up ‘long’ or ‘short’

  • treadmill running compared to running outside

  • Benita’s view on training shoes, including motion-control versus barefoot shoes

  • feet as the ‘keyboard’ of the body and how this relates to strength and balance

  • Benita’s appeal to parents

  • advice for listeners who want to optimise their sports performance or sort out an injury.   

In this podcast episode, Benita mentions the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, the Ultra-Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen and Vibram FiveFingers Shoes.

Scroll down to About for more info on Benita, including her contact details, information on training, and a link to help you find a Lyno Method practitioner.

Benita explains how the Lyno Method can relieve chronic pain and recurring injuries by releasing unresolved trauma.

Read Benita’s thoughts on travelling the globe with her husband, ocean swims and forest walks, and neighbours with cows and chickens.

Lees ook hoekom die Lyno-metode ‘n oplossing vir chroniese pyn en herhalende beserings bied.

The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Player FM and – I hope you’ll subscribe!


About Benita

Physiotherapist Benita Kropman is the founder and director of The Lyno® Method, a holistic approach to solving chronic pain and recurring injuries by identifying fascia restrictions and facilitating their release.

Benita and her husband, Jeremy, travel the world, offering training in different locations.

Website, where you can also find a practitioner or information on training:

Facebook: Benita Kropman Lyno Method

LinkedIn: Benita Kropman; The Lyno® Method

Original music by Mart-Marie Snyman

Thumbnail image: Unsplash

Photographs of Benita Kropman trekking on the Everest Base Camp Route, Nepal: supplied


Neem jou eie potgooi op met Mariette


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