Non-violent communication: this is how it works
Non-violent communication, pioneered by Marshall Rosenberg, involves a paradigm shift that makes us more aware of our feelings, fosters respect for ourselves and others, and deepens connection. Counselling psychologist Eleen Polson explains how we can get our needs met by moving away from judgement, blame, expectations and demands and by expressing our position in an authentic, non-threatening manner.
Mind Dynamix: explore your brain in 3D
No-one enters the world with an operating manual for their brain - but developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager’s neuroscience-based programme, Mind Dynamix, comes close. Understanding your integrated profile, your strengths, and how your brain functions under stress sheds light on your “fit” in your work context, intimate relationship, etc. Moreover, you can use targeted movements to rewire your brain for a more fulfilled life. This podcast includes an exercise to help you discover your preferred sensory modality. Sponsored content.
Grow more relaxed: how to recognise and manage stress
Just what we need! Clarity on what causes us stress, and practical ways to reduce the strain. Dr Rina de Klerk-Weyer considers the definition of stress, contributing factors, tell-tale signs, and pointers that can help us restore balance to our lives.
Once you learn to read, you’ll be forever free
Reading with comprehension is the foundation of academic achievement, yet many children have reading difficulties. For South Africans, the PIRLS study was an unsettling wake-up call. Developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager explains why the brain and the body must be ready to learn to read, and how the force of gravity is involved. She introduces a ground-breaking reading readiness programme based on neuroscience, ticking all the boxes to prepare children to learn to read – and, in time, become fully literate.
How to keep calm under pressure
The calmer, more predictable world we long for does not seem to be in a hurry to return. How do we cope with these turbulent times? Counselling psychologist dr Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling offers practical tips for reducing anxiety and stress and boosting our energy levels.
Flow state: how challenge and skill can lead to ecstasy
Becoming fully immersed in what we are doing, to the extent that hours feel like minutes, is an invigorating experience. Knowing how to optimise what positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi calls the flow state can help us experience some of our happiest, most creative and productive moments. Learn more about the characteristics, key aspects, growth and productivity related to flow, and about flowing in a group context.
Resilience: learning how to stand strong
Resilience helps us cope with change, adversity and setbacks. Learning and development specialist Dr Rina de Klerk-Weyer explains how to use your inner strength to become the best you, despite your circumstances. This doesn’t mean you need to be strong all the time; it’s more about changing your perspective, developing certain skills, and making conscious choices. The ability to bounce back can be your anchor in an unpredictable world.
Finding ways to talk about death to those you love
We seldom find it easy to speak about death, but the Covid-19 pandemic has made it hard to avoid doing so. How can broaching the subject with a loved one bring us closer together? What should we say? Emotional Intelligence expert Dr. Rina de Klerk-Weyer offers a list of questions we can ask regarding the practical and emotional aspects of death. The answers will clarify our own views as well as those of the loved ones we engage.
How to reconnect your mind and your body
In these times, as we are looking for more ways to stay healthy or to recuperate, strengthening our connection with our bodies is crucial. Educational psychologist Dr. Elsi Meyer explains how the various layers of the mind can be used to awaken the “felt sense” of the body, mentions the tools at our disposal, and the advantages involved. She outlines the four phases of awakening, and how to balance rational thought and the creative mind for optimal well-being.
Getting a grip on Covid fatigue
Even before the worldwide pandemic, burnout took on epidemic proportions. Now – on top of that – we are experiencing Covid fatigue. Master coach Judy Klipin explains how to identify Covid fatigue and offers practical tools and self-care strategies to help our bodies and minds rest and recharge, benefit our relationships, and optimise our performance at work.
Mindfulness: the way to better focus, reduced anxiety and self-acceptance
Mindfulness may seem like a vague concept, but a clear understanding of its physical, emotional and mental benefits can prompt a regular meditation or breathing practice, which needn’t be time-consuming. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn explains the difference between mindfulness and meditation, how meditation affects certain parts of the brain, and suggests practical resources and ways to develop this skill.
Three myths about ageing that you can kiss goodbye
Does ageing inevitably lead to physical and mental decline, loneliness, and becoming “useless”? It needn’t. Dr. Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling discusses scientific studies proving that we have control over several ageing processes – provided we know what we can do and actually make the effort. Learn how to examine and edit your beliefs, develop your social portfolio, reduce stress and use exercise to help remodel your brain.
Your love relationship: optimise your sensory fit
How do the brain and sensory preferences influence intimate relationships? Have you discovered your partner’s preferred sense? Developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager explains how a little detective work concerning neurological wiring can foster mutual understanding and make partners more compatible.
Growing older: how to flourish
Would you like to become a shining example of 80 being the new 60? This is not dependent on your genes. Dr. Christiane Northrup urges us to let go of ageism and the expectation of physical decline by rewiring our brains and changing our lifestyle. The earlier we start, the better!
HypnoBirthing: why it’s good for Mom, Baby - and Dad!
Although the safety and well-being of both Mom and Baby remain the foremost concern during childbirth, parents now have more choices: where their child should be born, who to include in their birth team, and what type of birth they prefer. Counselling psychologist and hypnotherapist Karin Steyn discusses the advantages of HypnoBirthing®, an approach to natural birth involving deep relaxation, releasing fear, tapping Nature’s own anaesthesia during labour, and “breathing down” you baby instead of “pushing”.
Live your life according to your highest values
Dr. John Demartini, world-renowned human behaviour specialist, educator, author and business consultant, explains how determining our priorities enables us to reconnect with our true purpose, live empowered lives, improve our relationships and face our fears. These aren’t vague promises. The principles Dr. Demartini teaches are informed by history’s great minds, supported by science and shaped into practical tools.
Só kan jy in moeilike omstandighede floreer
Een ding staan vas: niks bly soos dit is nie – veral wanneer ‘n pandemie die wêreld tref. Baie van ons moes emosionele, finansiële, gesondheidsverwante of ander terugslae die hoof bied en probeer steeds ons balans herwin. Wat bepaal of ons weer opstaan, of bly lê? Ilse Salzwedel gesels oor Floreer, ‘n praktiese gids met aangrypende verhale en duidelike riglyne oor hoe om ‘n betroubare hulpbron te ontwikkel: veerkragtigheid.
Why kindness can boost your health and happiness
Who would have thought that being kind has scientifically proven benefits? In “The five side-effects of kindness” Dr. David Hamilton describes how the brain, heart and immune system benefit from their owner’s kind thoughts and actions. In fact, kindness kan relieve depression, slow the ageing process and strengthen relationships. Experiment with these practical guidelines to enhance your life on different levels – they’re free!
How to build your personal brand to enhance your success
The unprecedented challenges of the past year have forced many of us to take on new roles and develop new behaviours, in our work as well as our personal lives. Brand-building coach Dawn Klatzko gives sound advice on noting our talents, skills, and even our failures in order to reinvent ourselves. She introduces concepts like the “six pack for the brain” and an unconventional look at IQ and EQ.
Is dit jou ideaal om ‘n supervrou te wees?
Of jy nou voltyds werk, enkellopend is, en kinders het of nie – die lewenspas is vinnig. By tye raak die eise eenvoudig net te veel. Kliniese sielkundige dr. Wilmien Human gesels eerlik oor maniere om ons balans te behou, en oor kopskuiwe wat ons kan help om ons eiesoortige, gesonde “supervrou-rol” te skep.