Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Dr Micki Pistorius: why female serial killers kill for money

Which deep-seated psychological need motivates female or ‘quiet’ serial killers? Psychologist and criminal profiler Dr Micki Pistorius explores this in terms of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, crucial differences between male and female serial killers, what distinguishes serial killers from other humans, and whether serial killers are mentally ill. She discusses the TV series based on her book, ‘Catch me a killer,’ and her educational offerings. Sensitive content: meant for adult listeners.

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Julian Jansen: ‘n bietjie 60 wees, innige liefde en aftree of nie

Joernalis Julian Jansen praat openhartig oor die lewe ná 60 – ‘n ander werksritme, ‘n nuwe benadering teenoor toksiese mense en Cecelia Jacobs, die “nommerpas vrou.” Hy gesels oor sy 3 grootste persoonlike traumas, hoe om ‘n konstruk van lewensuitdagings in groei en persoonlike geluk te omskep, en die wens om jou kinders in jou hande te hou.

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Hearing loss: the story of my middle ear implant

Struggling with hearing loss, painful distortion, cognitive decline and other challenges after two ear strokes, international cognitive behavioural therapist and speaker Cherona Dannhauser had a successful middle ear implant. She shares her journey, including what if felt like to hear her own voice – and that of her young adult son’s – for the first time in 4 years. 

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Sonja Goldberg: teleurstellings en verkeerde keuses definieer jou nie

Waar vind jy hoop wanneer die golwe van die lewe jou wil verswelg?  Pastoor, skrywer, omroeper, spelterapeut en berader Sonja Goldberg vertel hoe struikelblokke soos ernstige gesondheidsuitdagings, die dood van geliefdes, armoede, eensaamheid en ‘n egskeiding eindelik  tóg haar geloof gevoed het - en hoe haar droom om pastoor te word ná 49 jaar bewaarheid is. Inhoud geborg.

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Mariette Snyman Mariette Snyman

Understanding and managing food trauma

Individuals who have an unhealthy relationship with food don’t necessarily realise that this is the case. Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik shares her own story of food trauma, which caused intense emotional distress. She explains how she supports clients in their healing journeys and advises family members on how to approach their loved one experiencing a debilitating relationship with food.

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How to create resilience in the face of adversity

Why do some traumatic experiences remain unprocessed? Post-traumatic growth specialist Sinta Ebersohn discusses the two components of trauma, the top 5 stressors, resilience as a set of skills and a growth process that can help us deal with whatever life throws at us.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Triple Transformation Therapy: healing emotionally, physically and energetically 

Suppressed emotions can cause energy blockages, translating into physical and emotional symptoms. Energy therapist and psychologist Mona-Lize Moolman explains how she helps clients find and resolve the root cause of health challenges by combining talk therapy with holistic modalities. Results include weight loss and clearing skin conditions, anxiety, depression and unexplained pain.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Healing unexplained pain and chronic conditions

Are you a highly sensitive individual grappling with ‘mystery’ pain? Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik explains how she combines energy healing modalities with yoga and Pilates to balance clients’ 4 subtle energy bodies. Having learnt to process her own trauma, Tami now lives free from pain and empowers others to understand and manage physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges.

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Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

My kind emigreer – hoe hanteer ek dit?

Jou hart breek aan stukke wanneer jou kind emigreer, maar jy is ook bly oor die voordele en nuwe moontlikhede. Emigrasieterapeut dr. Sulette Ferreira belig aspekte van die besluit om te emigreer, vrae wat ouers kan vra, die ervaring van broers en susters, en grootouerskap oor grense heen. Sy gee praktiese wenke wat die “konstante afskeid” kan vergemaklik en beklemtoon wedersydse gesprek en betrokkenheid.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Jawaahier Petersen: Holding my own pen

With heart-wrenching honesty Jawaahier Petersen recalls the murder of her father, the music icon Taliep Petersen. She describes how the trauma started with an earlier attempt on his life, the loss and betrayal she and her siblings experienced, and how she suffered from depression and panic attacks. In her mid-thirties, Jawaahier finds herself back in therapy. She urges all who need help to seek it, since the bravest way to create your life script is by “holding your own pen.”

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Is dementia a disease of the brain - and not the soul?

How can you communicate with someone living with cognitive impairment in a way that benefits both you and them? Dr. Rayne Stroebel clarifies the World Health Organisation’s view that the consciousness of individuals with dementia is never lost. He offers practical pointers for being deeply present and caring in a relational way, suited to family members as well as caregivers.

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Love & intimacy, Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Love & intimacy, Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

Seksuele identiteit: ‘n keuse, of meer kompleks en divers?

Kies mense hul seksuele oriëntasie? Watter 4 fasette behels seksuele identiteit? Pastorale narratiewe terapeut dr. Marietjie van Loggerenberg belig wetenskaplike navorsing wat epigenetika insluit, seksuele vloeibaarheid en die uitsluiting van gay, transgender, interseks en ander mense - onder meer in ‘n geloofskonteks.

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

How to help your animals deal with crime issues

Should you task you dog with protecting your home? Pets, like humans, are traumatised by crime incidents and may experience guilt, or develop behavioural issues. Animal communicator Jenny Shone offers real-life case studies and practical advice on how to help your animal companions clear blockages following crime.

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Emotional health, Parenting, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

How to manage the medical, emotional and practical aspects of cancer

Palliative care nursing sister Cherry Armstrong’s “Cancer: navigating the journey” helps cancer patients and their loved ones face this challenge, from the time of diagnosis to remission or terminal stages. Cherry addresses common questions and fears, treatments, side effects, medical aids, nutrition, complementary therapies, caring for a loved one, and what to say and do. Cherry speaks from experience - and from the heart. Sponsored content.

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Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

Kry jou vreugde terug na ‘n geliefde se selfdood

Om 'n geliefde te verloor beteken nie die wond sal nooit genees nie, sê grief coach en skrywer Marlene Potgieter. Toe haar seun 11 jaar gelede sy lewe beëindig het, het haar pad van rousmart begin. Sy praat oor die skok, skaamte, woede, misplaaste skuldgevoelens, ervaring van verwerping, en hoekom rousmart nie net ‘n toestand is nie, maar ook ‘n werkwoord.

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Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

How I experienced my mother’s death

Have you lost your mom, or do you dread her passing? Angel whisperer Belinda Bras-Nel shares her own experience, highlighting the complexity of some mother-daugher relationships, our need to be loved and nurtured, what soul contracts involve, and the importance of allowing feminine or mother energy to flow through us - no matter who we are.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself, Parenting Mariette Snyman

The Lyno Method: addressing chronic pain and injuries by releasing unresolved trauma

Did you know that unresolved physical and emotional trauma can cause chronic pain and recurring injuries? Physiotherapist Benita Kropman explains how the Lyno® Method identifies and facilitates the release of fascia restrictions by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring mobility to individuals including athletes, babies and the elderly.

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Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Parenting, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Effective communication: Can your parenting style help prevent narcissism?

The causes contributing to the development of narcissism are complex and include genetics, neurobiology, and environmental factors such as culture and parenting. Body language expert Tania Steyn discusses parenting style as one possible contributor to the development of narcissistic traits and explains how effective nonverbal communication - including eye contact, mirroring and fronting - can foster bonding and help children build empathy.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

What happens when your pet dies and how to approach euthanasia

Losing a beloved animal companion is traumatic; gaining clarity can comfort grieving owners. International animal communicator Jenny Shone discusses how a soul crosses over, practical things that can help owners and pets left behind to cope with this loss, and guidelines concerning the need to intentionally end an animal’s life.

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