Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Prof. Elain Vlok: secrets of successful community service

Prof. Elain Vlok offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Clover Mama Afrika Project, South Africa’s oldest corporate social investment initiative. She considers the challenges her “Mamas” face, their substantial accomplishments, how she serves them despite life-threatening situations, and her appreciation for the Lifetime Achievement Award she recently received. Sponsored content.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Weight loss drugs, including Ozempic: game changer - or high-risk?

Can weight loss medicines be regarded as a miracle cure for obesity? Dr Manoj Bagwandeen considers the occurrence, causes, health risks and treatment of obesity, bearing in mind underlying mental health issues. Discussing appetite-suppressing and other weight loss drugs in terms of their advantages and risks, Manoj points out why they need to be used under proper medical supervision. Sponsored content.

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Emotional health, Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Hope restored: how Emotional Logic helps you befriend your emotions

Do you trust your emotions? Social worker Annette de la Porte explains how Emotional Logic provides a visual map for understanding our emotions. By reframing unpleasant emotions as indicators of a violation of our values, we are able to process our pain. Emotional Logic is a coaching process taking individuals and groups from confusion to clarity. Sponsored content.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Living with an autoimmune disease and chronic pain: what I’ve learnt

Angel medium Belinda Bras-Nel explains how a life-long autoimmune condition, only recently diagnosed, has impacted her physically and psychologically and affected her work and relationships. Viewing these challenges in a spiritual light, she sees herself as being “pregnant with the earth, ” contributing to a general shift in consciousness.

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Emotional health, Parenting, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting, Love & intimacy Mariette Snyman

Can your sensory profile affect your mental health?

Does hyper- or hyposensitivity cause you to feel overwhelmed or under-stimulated in environments others may find normal? Psychologist Luricka Fick considers whether mental health difficulties, including depression, anxiety and risk-taking behaviour, may point to sensory integration issues. She discusses the role dopamine plays in over- and under-responsiveness, and the benefits of a sensory integration assessment.

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

The placebo effect: an undervalued tool for health?

What really causes healing in a challenging health situation? Chiropractor Dr Jeff Crippen shares eye-opening research studies involving the placebo effect, and considers how we can benefit from non-physical interventions. Having formerly experienced excruciating pain for years, he offers hard-won insights into transformational wellness.  

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

New horizons

Laziness is nothing more then the habit of resting before you get tired, wrote Jules Renard. I’m resting before I get tired, an indulgence which will continue until April the 3rd…

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Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Taking the edge off dying

Have you given the circumstances of your death – which cannot be avoided - any thought? Doctor of gerontology and death doula Rayne Stroebel offers practical guidance, describing the role of a death doula and how he helped his father transition after a stroke. Creating an advanced directive may give your more control regarding medical intervention at the end of your life, and increase your chances of dying a “good death”.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself, Parenting Mariette Snyman

Solve insomnia and other sleep challenges with BWRT   

Are you getting enough sleep? Clinical and neuropsychologist Mark Eaton considers possible causes of sleep deprivation, including anxiety, traumas associated with sleeping, and disorders such as sleep apnoea. He explains how sleep challenges may affect us physically, psychologically, socially and cognitively and suggests interventions - notably the fast-working BrainWorking Recursive Therapy which can address challenges on 3 levels. Sponsored content.

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Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Challenge yourself, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Happy with the reward and recognition you get at work?

Do you love your job – or not? Master life coach Judy Klipin discusses her new book on making work work for you. It targets 8 areas from the world of work and offers practical tools for either changing unsatisfactory circumstances or improving the way you view and manage them. Learn how to get and receive feedback, or ask for a promotion or a raise.

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Emotional health Mariette Snyman Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Reaching for the stars after 5 years of ill health

After five years of health challenges including osteoporosis, stress fractures, falls, basal cell carcinomas, colon cancer, Covid pneumonia, a reverse shoulder replacement and lymphoedema, social entrepreneur Marilyn Hallett has turned a corner. She considers difficulties such as medical bills, loss of independence and forced absences from work, and reveals what kept her going. An inspiring listen!

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Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Parenting Mariette Snyman

My kind emigreer – hoe hanteer ek dit?

Jou hart breek aan stukke wanneer jou kind emigreer, maar jy is ook bly oor die voordele en nuwe moontlikhede. Emigrasieterapeut dr. Sulette Ferreira belig aspekte van die besluit om te emigreer, vrae wat ouers kan vra, die ervaring van broers en susters, en grootouerskap oor grense heen. Sy gee praktiese wenke wat die “konstante afskeid” kan vergemaklik en beklemtoon wedersydse gesprek en betrokkenheid.

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Strengthening self-love: understand your sensory preferences

Is your natural inclination visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic? How can you apply this knowledge to deepen your connection with others – and, most importantly, with yourself? Human development specialist Dr Melodie de Jager explores our sensory systems and preferences, offering practical tips on increasing our awareness, enhancing self-care, and even choosing spot-on gifts.   

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Why the world needs your feminine energy

Do you push yourself too hard in order to survive? Now’s the time to replace “harsh masculine energies” with a more balanced approach. Angel medium Belinda Bras-Nel explains how the feminine aspect - dishonoured through the ages - is rising, and what men and women can do to let go of fear, anger and resentment in favour of trust and self-love.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Jawaahier Petersen: Holding my own pen

With heart-wrenching honesty Jawaahier Petersen recalls the murder of her father, the music icon Taliep Petersen. She describes how the trauma started with an earlier attempt on his life, the loss and betrayal she and her siblings experienced, and how she suffered from depression and panic attacks. In her mid-thirties, Jawaahier finds herself back in therapy. She urges all who need help to seek it, since the bravest way to create your life script is by “holding your own pen.”

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Cortisol, stress and weight gain: insights and solutions

Carrying excess weight - especially abdominal fat - could point to elevated cortisol levels. Naturopathic doctor Faryal Luhar discusses possible causes and how cortisol surges affect our physical and mental health. She outlines the role of hormones like DHEA, testosterone, leptin, and ghrelin, and offers practical advice on how to regain and maintain healthy cortisol levels. Sponsored content.

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