Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Afwesige pa’s en die heilsame invloed van mentors

Hoe gemaak met die groot persentasie kinders in ons land wat nie ‘n pa in die huis het nie? Jaco van Schalkwyk van The Character Company verduidelik wat dit verg om ‘n seun informeel of deur ‘n organisasie te mentor, hoekom positiewe manlike rolmodelle so nodig is, die vyf waardes wat mentorskap kan versterk, en hoe enkelma’s ondersteun kan word.

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Love & intimacy, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Love & intimacy, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Imago relationship therapy: regain the love you once shared

Falling in love is easy, but keeping that magic alive can seem challenging - especially when your beloved starts displaying annoying traits, makes unacceptable decisions, or fails to consider your feelings. How can these power struggles be transformed and emotional intimacy and passion restored? Kobus van der Merwe explains how Imago Relationship Therapy works and how it can heal romantic relationships.  

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Brain profiling and coaching can give your life a lift

Face profiling is a startlingly accurate assessment tool that tells us a lot about our true self. Now add brain profiling, which sheds light on our brain preferences, and the road to goals such as working more efficiently or attaining a healthy weight suddenly opens up.  Face profiler and personal development coach Marthie Maré tells Mariette how this works.  

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Can your facial features reveal your true self?

Can face profiling reveal your talents, challenges - and who you really are? Absolutely, says face profiler and personal development coach Marthie Maré. Find out what physiognomy is, how it works, and how the self-knowledge you gain can benefit you and your relationships, at home and at work.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

“Tension Release Exercise”: ‘n praktiese manier om trauma te verwerk

Dis nie net “groot” gebeure soos inbrake wat ons traumatiseer nie. Selfs ‘n verkeersknoop en die vrees dat jy laat is, kan jou liggaam se veg-, vlug- of vriesreaksie sneller. Voorligtingsielkundige Eleen Polson bespreek die oorsake, simptome en hantering van post-traumatiese stressindroom.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Neuroterapie: opleiding vir jou brein

Brain Harmonics is ‘n vorm van EEG-bioterugvoer wat jou brein leer om die mees toepaslike breingolwe te vervaardig. Dit kan volwassenes én kinders help om ongewensde toestande te verlig, prestasie te verbeter, slegte gewoontes af te skud en lewensgehalte te verhoog. Hoe werk neuroterapie? Hoekom het ons dit nodig? Is dit veilig?

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Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Maak kreatiwiteit só deel van jou lewe

Ons fokus dikwels eerder op ons uitkomsgerigte linkerbreinkant, wat alles wat ons doen evalueer pleks van op ons intuïtiewe regterbreinkant, wat nie omgee of iets reg of verkeerd is nie. Voorligtingsielkundige Eleen Polson verduidelik hoe jy jou skeppende self deur klank, beweging of proseskuns kan stimuleer.

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