Mariette Snyman

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Triple Transformation Therapy: healing emotionally, physically and energetically 

Suppressed emotions can cause energy blockages, translating into physical and emotional symptoms. Energy therapist and psychologist Mona-Lize Moolman explains how she helps clients find and resolve the root cause of health challenges by combining talk therapy with holistic modalities. Results include weight loss and clearing skin conditions, anxiety, depression and unexplained pain.

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In ep. 173 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, energy therapist and psychologist Mona-Lize Moolman touches on

  • what Metanoia means

  • how she sets the minds of clients not familiar or comfortable with energy work at rest

  • why holistic medicine and healing - working with the energy frequency in the body - can be viewed as scientific

  • the changes this approach has brought about in Mona-Lize’s life, including shedding 50 kg

  • the link between fear on the one hand and overweight and obesity on the other

  • Triple Transformation Therapy, involving the mind, energetic or soul level, and the body

  • examples of physical benefits include weight loss, getting rid of skin conditions, unexplained pain, depression and anxiety

  • using talk therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and personality assessment to uncover the root of the problem

  • trauma, imprinting on the amygdala and causing different symptoms

  • techniques including EFT or tapping, sound healing, and Meridian Psychotherapy

  • Mona-Lize’s 3 tips on how to open up when you’ve emotionally shut down.

In this episode, Mona-Lize mentions The body keeps the score written by Bessel van der Kolk, Brainz Magazine and Holistica:

Scroll down for more info on Mona-Lize , including her contact details.

Feel free to click on Home and browse this website for articles and podcasts on more fulfilling love relationships, easier parenting, and upping your emotional well-being.

Also read Mona-Lize’s thoughts on romance in the workplace, wiping away the tears and insects as pets.

About Mona-Lize

Mona-Lize Moolman is an energy therapist, psychologist and owner and founder of Metanoia Transformation, based in South Africa and Dubai and working internationally. She is trained in Traditional Psychology, Kinesiology, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and Meridian Psychotherapy, and is currently pursuing further studies in Archetypal Consulting.

You can book a free 20-30 minutes call with Mona-Lize to discover if this work is for you.


Instagram: metanoiasouthafrica

Facebook: Metanoia Transformation South Africa

The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Player FM and

Original music by Mart-Marie Snyman

Thumbnail image: Unsplash.

Photograph of Mona-Lize Moolman: supplied.