Nordic Walking: what it is and how it can change your life

How about a safe, total-body exercise that burns more calories than walking but requires less exertion - and impacts your joints less? Nordic Walker and trainer Lohra de Waal discusses this fast-growing sport, suitable to all ages and many chronic, medical or geriatric conditions. She discusses research findings, the advantages of Nordic Walking, suitable poles and how trail and ultra runners as well as individuals walking for enjoyment can benefit.

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In ep. 185 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Nordic Walker & Trainer, Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach and Pilates Instructor Lohra de Waal discusses:

  • Nordic Walking: the summer training programme of cross-country skiers in Finland

  • how Lohra got involved in Nordic Walking

  • characteristics of Nordic Walking poles, including the gloves which keep the hands relaxed  

  • the Modern Nordic Walking method: “more beneficial than any other single exercise,” since it engages 90% of the muscles, burns 46% more calories than normal walking and takes 30% of the usual impact off the joints

  • the closed kinetic chain, resulting in minimal exertion

  • who can do Nordic Walking: toddlers, top trail-runner athletes, individuals living with Parkinsons, rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer or diabetes as well as people who’ve had back fusions or knee/hip replacements, or are overweight

  • how to proceed with Nordic Walking when undergoing or needing rehabilitation (first consult your medical professional/s)  

  • moving with confidence: how Nordic Walking decreases the fear of falling

  • Nordic Walking and HIT (High-Intensity Training)

  • how Nordic Walking can serve trail runners, ultra runners and other sports folk

  • testimonies from Lohra’s clients

  • how to start, for those living in Cape Town and those who live elsewhere

  • Lohra’s local Winelands Wellness Walks and slack-packing Sideways tours in Slovenia

  • Lohra’s 3 tips for a healthy lifestyle.

Scroll down to About for more info on Lohra and Nordic Walking, including contact details.

In this episode, Lohra mentions fellow-Nordic Walker Hugh Joseph.

Physiotherapists, biokineticists or OT’s interested in attending an International Nordic Walk Instructor course with the Canadian physiotherapist Jennifer Howey (theory, online) and Lohra (practical component), email Lohra at

A peek at the person behind the professional: Lohra answers 8 personal questions.

The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Player FM and – I hope you’ll subscribe!

About Lohra

Lohra de Waal is a Nordic Walker & Trainer, Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach and Pilates Instructor based in Cape Town. Her education includes a BASc degree in Clinical Nutrition and training with the Health Coaches Academy in the UK, leading nutrition expert Patrick Holford, and the International Nordic Walking Federation.

Websites: and

Tel. (+27) 82 579-1631

Email: or

Facebook: Nordic Walk This Way and Healthy Days Pilates and Health Coaching Studio

Instagram: insta southpole.nordicwalking  and  lohrahealthydays

YouTube: Lohra de Waal

Original music by Mart-Marie Snyman

Thumbnail image and second image of Lohra de Waal: supplied


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