Dr Ronél le Roux on bareback riding, rescuing lizards and delightful goals

An EQ specialist, facilitator, therapist and author writes about swimming with dolphins, a black belt in karate and a world of beautiful dresses.

1 The book you’ve co-authored with Dr Rina de Klerk-Weyer, True Self; True Connections, has just been released. For whom was this guide written?

This book is intended for individuals aged 18 and older. It is not targeted at specific groups and can be beneficial to anyone seeking to improve their personal and social skills, thereby enhancing their quality of life.


Dr Rina de Klerk and Dr Ronél le Roux with ‘True Self; True Connections’

2 Successfully co-authoring a book cannot be simple. How is it done?

Co-authoring a book can indeed be quite challenging! It requires a significant level of trust and mutual understanding between the authors. When each author actively contributes to the process, it becomes smoother, especially as each brings their own specific skills to the table. In our case, Rina focuses more on the content's intricate details, while I concentrate on formatting, sentence construction, the overall presentation of the content, and the final refinements that elevate it to a masterpiece. We strive for excellence and are not satisfied with mediocre results; in the end, we want to feel confident that we've given it our absolute best effort.

3 You write fiction as well …

The book is titled Wakanda My liefste. It tells the story of a young mother who emerges from an abusive marriage and begins to rebuild her life. Her primary focus is on helping her young daughter overcome post-traumatic stress. She chooses to harness the healing power of horses, discovering along the way that she has a significant personal history with these animals. Ultimately, by confronting unresolved issues from her past, she experiences her own healing journey.

4 On top of that, you’ve won several awards in the realm of fiction. Do spill the beans!

I participated in four competitions centred around short stories and poems, which was a completely new experience for me. I found it to be very demanding and incredibly challenging! Each competition spanned 10 weeks, with one assignment per week. Every story varied in terms of word count, point of view, and genre. The poems posed an even greater challenge. Despite this, I performed quite well, achieving 5th, 3rd, 1st, and 3rd place in the competitions. 

5 You’ve taken in several ‘rescues’ as well as small creatures that happened to cross your path …

I have a deep compassion for animals! My greatest challenge is resisting the urge to take in more rescues, as they hold a special place in my heart. My latest addition is a charming black kitten who is simply adorable and incredibly sweet. Additionally, I frequently rescue small birds and lizards that my cats affectionately present to me. I believe every living being has a soul, and because they can’t speak for themselves, it is our duty to protect their lives.

6 You simply love horses. How has this passion manifested in your life?

My love for horses began early in my life. As a toddler and young child, I delighted in the excitement of riding carousels. The brightly coloured horses, accompanied by lights and music, held an indescribable magic for me—I simply couldn’t get enough of it.

Later, I joined a riding school in Bloemfontein, where every weekend we ventured on long rides through the veld. Riding on horseback brought back the enchantment of the carousel to me in a different way. After school, I briefly owned two horses of my own. My favourite way to ride was bareback, galloping at full speed, feeling completely at one with the horse and the wind rushing through my hair. How I yearn for those moments still...

7 At school, one of your interests was doing karate.

When I was around nine years old, my parents presented me with a choice between ballet and karate. Having grown up with two older brothers and being a bit of a tomboy, I couldn’t picture myself in a ballet tutu. My decision was clear, and I have never regretted it. Karate is more than just a sport; it instills discipline in both the mind and body, benefits of which I still enjoy today. I achieved my black belt (Shodan) early in my final year of school. Karate made me physically strong and mentally aware. It taught me the value of working steadily towards a goal, as nothing truly worthwhile comes easily. Karate has remained a part of me, and every now and then, I revisit it, if only for nostalgia’s sake.

8 Ballroom and Latin dancing are close to your heart …

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have danced for about 11 years. Dancing allowed me to discover a different side of myself, helping me confront and overcome many of my personal issues and insecurities. It was an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything, often whisking me away to a world of beautiful dresses, music, and a sense of being truly special.

9 You’re quite adventurous and have, among other things, experienced swimming with dolphins …

Swimming with wild dolphins in the sea is a truly breathtaking experience like no other. The vastness of the ocean and the presence of these sentient beings who willingly come to interact with you is incredibly special. I had the privilege of swimming with them in Mozambique. Dolphins possess a healing energy similar to that of horses, despite their wild nature. Even observing them from the shore conveys their power and gentleness.

10 Which delectable items are on your bucket list?

The delightful goals on my bucket list include being healthy and joyful, comfortable and content. I cherish living in the moment, finding happiness in small blessings. I don't crave more possessions or unnecessary worries. While I welcome new experiences, I'm not actively seeking them out. 

Ronél explains how to assert yourself in a healthy way - especially when you say yes when you mean no.

About Ronél

Dr Ronél le Roux is an EQ specialist, facilitator, therapist and author from Centurion. She guides and helps people to learn soft skills, such as emotional, cognitive and social skills, to ensure optimal functioning in their personal and work environment. Ronél has a passion for empowering people to discover and live their true selves and to be able to have meaningful relationships with others. She also works with individuals with gambling addictions.

Email address: ronellr@mweb.co.za

LinkedIn: Ronél le Roux (Ph.D)

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Thumbnail image: Pexels.

Photographs of Dr Ronél le Roux: supplied.

Tango image: Unsplash, models used.


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