Mariette Snyman Mariette Snyman

Multiple Brain Integration Techniques: how to use your multiple brains

Do we really have three brains? Master mBIT coach Liezl Thom discusses the adaptive neural networks in our head, heart and gut and the core competencies of each. She explores multiple Brain Integration Techniques, the mBIT Road Map, and the benefits of learning to align our cephalic, cardiac and enteric centres of intelligence.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Understanding and navigating the phases of change

Our lives are marked by change – sudden or gradual, distressing or exhilarating. Although life-changing transitions may be unexpected, the change cycle itself follows a predictable course. Getting to know its 4 phases can help us navigate change to reach the best outcomes, says master transformation coach Liezl Thom. She also offers helpful insights and practical tips.

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Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

The science of happiness: develop these key habits

Positive psychology coach Erica Terblanche explains how to integrate scientifically proven building blocks of happiness into your life – including practising micro moments of connection, setting worthwhile goals, and discovering what you mean to others. Drawing from her remarkable experience as an international endurance athlete, Erica offers her personal insights into high performance, resilience and thriving.    

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Are YOU an empath?

Do you feel others’ emotions in your body? Are you sometimes called “too sensitive”? Master transformation coach Liezl Thom explains how this gift can become a curse – but that awareness of what’s going on, realising that you can choose not to experience others’ feelings, and learning how to close yourself off when necessary will transform you into an empowered empath.

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