Menopause can be a powerful, rewarding journey

Menopause leaves many women feeling undervalued, invisible, and unsure of their identity or where they belong. Therapeutic counsellor Nidhi Amanda Chaitow explains how we can navigate this process of transformation, relinquishing certain roles and dealing with anger and pain - finally stepping into our authenticity and strength as sacred, wise women.

Nidhi Amanda Chaitow

If you are new to podcasts, simply click on the arrow to listen to Nidhi and Mariette, or on the download button to download the conversation onto your device.

In ep. 70 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Nhidi touches on

  • what menopause means in the simplest sense

  • why this rite of passage is just as powerful as beginning to menstruate

  • how the hormonal changes affect us mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially

  • reframing society’s view of ageing and going through “the change”

  • what this transformational process requires of us

  • working with the rage that often surfaces during menopause

  • the generational “mother wound”

  • how menopause can be a rite of passage which illuminates the compromises we’ve made and lets us choose more advantageous ways of serving others  

  • how productive the post-menopausal phase can be

  • creating a wisdom legacy

  • why the “quest for queendom” can lead to becoming a beautiful, sacred, wise woman

  • Nidhi’s 3 best tips for connecting with your true identity.

Nidhi explains what a death doula does, and how we can work towards a “beautiful death”.

Nidhi offers 5 simple ways to calm down your nervous system, especially during menopause.

Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains how midlife women can overcome fatigue, low mood and weight gain.

Contact details

Nidhi Amanda Chaitow is a certified therapeutic counsellor, end-of-life doula and integrative life coach from Hoekwil on the Garden Route. As a rite-of-passage coach, guide and facilitator and conscious drummer she weaves the ancient wisdom of the medicine wheel together with psycho-social aspects (spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, and physical), nature’s elements, life developmental stages, many years of experience and her innate wisdom.

Nidhi offers 1:1 sessions in person and online, as well as retreats and workshops around inner self-care.


Facebook: Nidhi-Amanda Chaitow - life and death doula

Instagram: nidhiamanda

LinkedIn: Nidhi Amanda Chaitow

Sexologist Dr. Elna Rudolph highlights menopause issues like hot flushes, sleeping problems and dating later in life.

Feel free to click on Home and browse this website for articles and podcasts on more fulfilling love relationships, easier parenting, and upping your emotional well-being. You can also type “death” into the Search function for related articles.

Music by Mart-Marie Snyman

Thumbnail image: Unsplash.

Photograph of Nidhi Amanda Chaitow: supplied


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