Mariette Snyman

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Once you learn to read, you’ll be forever free

Reading with comprehension is the foundation of academic achievement, yet many children have reading difficulties. For South Africans, the PIRLS study was an unsettling wake-up call. Developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager explains why the brain and the body must be ready to learn to read, and how the force of gravity is involved. She introduces a ground-breaking reading readiness programme based on neuroscience, ticking all the boxes to prepare children to learn to read – and, in time, become fully literate.  

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Dr. Melodie de Jager

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If you are new to podcasts, simply click on the arrow to listen to Melodie and Mariette, or on the download button to download the conversation onto your device.

In episode 19 of the weekly series Calm, Clear & Helpful, Melodie explains

  • how South Africa rates in terms of the Progressive International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)

  • how being unable to read with comprehension affects children emotionally, socially and in terms of work prospects

  • why reading is “not natural”

  • the role of the senses, muscles and vestibular system in learning to read successfully

  • the influence of gravity on reading in physical, emotional and cognitive terms

  • how parents will know whether their child has a healthy relationship with gravity

  • how reading others’ faces, the environment and making scribbles precede reading readiness

  • the way the Mind Moves® Institute, founded by Melodie, approaches biomimicry and reading readiness

  • how the Mind Moves® Institute Reading Readiness programme dovetails with the way in which the brain remembers

  • Melodie’s three best tips for being a life-long learner.

“Once you learn to read, you’ll be forever free” is a quote by Frederick Douglas.

Additional information:

  • Pre-reading building blocks and a questionnaire to help you ascertain if your learner is ready for reading:     

  • More information about the Mind Moves® Institute Reading Readiness programme:    

Two Mind Moves which can assist your child with reading readiness and reading:

Therapeutic Mind Moves: Rise & Shine and Antennae Adjuster

Listen to Melodie’s findings on the influence of gravity on children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of the Mind Dynamix “operating manual” for your or your child’s one-of-a-kind brain, you’ll find Melodie’s explanation here.

How do you share your heart - and history - with those you cherish? Melodie illuminates our deep need for human connection.

Melodie discusses the current reality of teachers, specifically those in the foundation phase.

Have you heard about Melodie’s blog on pregnancy and birth that combines a gripping story with sound scientific principles?

Melodie explains how you can find out if your (or your loved one’s) primary sense is visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic.

Your love relationship: optimise your sensory fit by doing the detective work that Melodie recommends.

Lees hoekom babas moet kruip en hoe om dit aan te moedig.

Contact details

Dr. Melodie de Jager, developmental specialist, author and keynote speaker from Johannesburg, is the founder of the BabyGym and Mind Moves Institutes.
Tel. 011 888 5434
44 7th Street, Linden, Johannesburg

Websites: -


BabyGym Institute International

Books written by Melodie:
Available at

Op soek na meer besonderhede oor Melodie se werk? Kry dit hier.

The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Player FM and

Podcast music: Mart-Marie Snyman

Thumbnail image: Pexels

Photograph of Dr. Melodie de Jager and Mind Moves graphics: supplied