Why we never experience challenge without support
Candidly sharing a series of personal challenges, homeopath and transformational health coach Dr. Loretta Ferrucci explains how she uncovered the support embedded in them, and gained significant insights into herself and her true needs. She discusses our tendency to view reality in a one-sided way and offers a more satisfying alternative.
Dr. Loretta Ferrucci
If you are new to podcasts, simply click on the arrow to listen to Loretta and Mariette, or on the download button to download the conversation onto your device.
In ep. 79 of the weekly podcast series Calm, Clear and Helpful, Loretta clarifies
how behavioural specialist, educator and business consultant Dr. John Demartini views the question of challenge and support
what we call good, what we call bad, and why
a way of considering the benefits of the “bad” and the drawbacks of the “good” that leads to clarity, gratitude and a sense of freedom
how the signs and symptoms of health challenges can illuminate needs not being met
a light bulb moment
Loretta’s view of Sparkie’s death, including the themes of grief and relief
owning both our “awesome” and our “awful”, and how this fosters true connection
Loretta’s 3 best tips on creating what you’d love.
In this episode, Loretta mentions
Dr. John Demartini’s flagship course, The Breakthrough Experience™ - also available as a book
a quote by the Buddha:
“The pursuit of that which is unattainable and the avoidance of that which is unavoidable is the source of all human suffering.”
Read Dr. Demartini’s wisdom on living according to your highest values and achieving your highest vision.
Punishing instead of nourishing your body? Here’s Loretta’s perspective.
Loretta explains how accepting your body and asking the right questions can help you transform your body.
Contact details
Dr. Loretta Ferrucci Is a homeopath, behavioural specialist, mind-body coach, author and speaker based in East London. She uses an integrated approach of various energy, mind-body and coaching techniques. She teaches live workshops and does one-on-one and group coaching with clients/patients. Loretta works exclusively online.
Website https://lorettaferrucci.co.za/
Facebook pages: Loretta Ferrucci, and Vitality Matters!
The free podcast series Calm, Clear & Helpful is available on iTunes, Spotify, Player FM and Iono.fm.
Music by Mart-Marie Snyman
Thumbnail image: Unsplash.
Photograph of Dr. Loretta Ferrucci: supplied