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Tami Folkenflik on food trauma, hearing electricity, and someone called Happy

A movement and energy coach writes about a language called Energy, high school sweethearts and paddleboard yoga (scroll down for a dolphin video!)

Dave and Tami Folkenflik

1 You live in St. Petersburg on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Which joys does this location offer you?

So many!  We live on a canal, so there is daily nurturing and healing from the water.  We enjoy a plethora of birds daily, we are gifted with regular visits from dolphins and manatees, turtles occasionally and even river otters a time or two!  The weather in winter is fabulous, summers are hot, though I love it.  We are avid paddleboarders, which is why we live on a canal.  St. Petersburg is a very progressive city which also appeals to us, and we have a lovely downtown area, it is very busy with tons of restaurants, bars, and quirky shops.

2 Where did you meet your husband, and what about him do you appreciate?

I met Dave in high school 😊 (we did share homeroom from 8th grade) and we started dating shortly afterwards, together ever since.  I appreciate his loving nature, the interests we share, as well as those we do not.  He spent much time and effort allowing our rescue to learn he was a safe man and would not hurt her.

3 Apparently, you have someone called Happy living with you …

We do, a precious little chihuahua we rescued, she is mainly blind and deaf now at 16. Her name from the rescue was Granny and it didn’t fit her at all. She was estimated to be 12 when we adopted her and did enjoy more sight and hearing back then. When we brought her home, her tail just wagged all the time, I kept saying she’s so happy. That became her name, it took only a day or two for her to respond, confirming it is the perfect name for her.

Here’s how Tami can help highly sensitive individuals grappling with ‘mystery’ pain and chronic conditions.

4 Are you into cooking?

Not even a little bit LOL! I have childhood food trauma that guided me away from wanting to cook. I find there are generally 2 types of people, those who eat to live and those who live to eat. I am solidly in the first category, my spouse, solidly in the second. He is the chef in our house. We are a vegan household now, including Happy.

5 You have a history as a gymnast. Do tell us more, also about Acroyoga.

I do, movement and challenging my body has been a part of my life, other than a period of time where I chose to feel sorry for myself. I recently began doing acroyoga. This is a practice that involves working with another, or others. Someone bases (acting as ‘equipment’), one flies (similar to gymnastics), and there are spotters to ensure the safety of all. It is whole body strength training. There are some fun challenges based on body sizes and alterations that are needed. There are two photos where I am flying the same move, called Candlestick. One, the base is my height, the other, a much taller base.

6. What does Pilates do for you?

Pilates is a beautiful strength training program. The focus is learning to understand your body and control it.  The strength training is a bit different than, say weight lifting, as the intention is to utilize our smaller stabilizing muscles. It is an incredible rehab tool. There are ways to modify exercises to support or challenge any client. Another incredible benefit is that while doing Pilates, your focus is centered on you, which offers a mental and emotional break from our daily lives full of stress. That hour is a beautiful reset for your mind, body and soul.

7 You’re fond of travelling. Which experience/s stand out?

We love to cruise, it is a great way to experience multiple places, quickly. We enjoy Colorado, where we hike and paddleboard in very cold water, especially noting the extreme difference from Florida. The wildlife there is a sight to behold.  My favorite place we have visited is Hawaii, particularly Kauai, the energy and beauty there is simply stunning!  We are drawn to places that encourage activity.  Nature is a healer and exposure to other places brings renewed energy and healing!

Dave and Tami enjoying Paddleboard Yoga

8 You speak a language called ‘energy’. Do elaborate.

Everyone is familiar with energy in some way or another.  Radio and microwaves are energy, as is electricity.  Most do not feel these energy waves, though some do, there are times when I hear electricity in the walls.  Exercise can both give or take energy.  Food and Nature hold energy. 

Then there is the Language of Energy.  This language is about reading and understanding emotions, whether they flow or are stored and blocked.  Emotions are defined as energy in motion.  When a person stifles emotion, intentionally or subconsciously, it disrupts or blocks the flow within one or more of their bodies (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual).  This is also an indication of an imbalance in feminine and masculine energies, each person holds equal parts both ideally, though in reality it ebbs and flows between the two.  For example, if you are a go, go, go person, you have more masculine energy which is ‘doing’; ‘being’ equates to feminine energy and stillness. 

We all block or store emotions on occasion, it becomes a potential issue until the flow resumes.  In my case, prior to learning tools to support myself, I had stored and blocked the flow of my emotions.  This resulted in chronic pain, left too long chronic illness is the result.  As I began learning this language, I began to allow myself to feel things in a new way, to heal the underlying reasons I stored and blocked my emotional flow.  For myself, it was primarily emotional, however, issues can result from storing and blocking energy in any of the four bodies.  All are addressed through energy healings, some issues take longer to heal than others.  Being willing to approach your health in a new way, especially outside your comfort zone, will greatly assist in overall improvements in your health. 

During healing sessions, I hold space and guide energy through my channel, which is how I receive information to guide the magical healing process and restore the beautiful flow.  This requires a repatterning of the mindset to keep from snapping back to the original pattern you wish to heal.  The intuitive aspects of healing work fall under ‘clairs’ which is a descriptive understanding of how each healer processes sessions.  I am primarily clairempathy (clear emotion), clairsentient (clear feeling) and claircognizant (clear knowing).  Other possibilities are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairintellect (clear thinking), clairalience (clear smelling), clairgustance (clear tasting), and clairtangency (clear touching).  The differences in how a healer receive information has no correlation to the effectiveness or depth of any session, all are equally powerful.


I happily offer a 10% discount to any who find me through you and choose to hire me, thank you for this magical opportunity!

About Tami

Tami Folkenflik is a movement and energy specialist from St. Petersburg, Florida in the USA who works in person and online. She teaches individuals with unexplained chronic pain the tools to heal themselves. She uses a combination of exercise (Pilates and Yoga) and energy work (crystals, Reiki, Akashic Records and Global Healing). She also offers a Covid long haulers start-up program.


Website: - take Tami’s Pain Archetype Quiz on her website

LinkedIn: Tami Folkenflik

Tami offers a 10% discount to anyone who finds her through this website and chooses to hire her.

Images and video featuring Tami Folkenflik: provided.

Thumbnail image: Unsplash.